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    My theme is Lines and Textures. This choice can be very easy and very hard. There are details to be made. When glazing you much watch how much glaze you but on because of the dripping the glaze does.
    My first try i tried to do my lidded project with a leaf, i did it way to think and it came out looking really bad. I have made a small cylinder and a couple other things that have many different lines and textures and you can really see that they do without having to put to much out there. I have made a cylinder that has kind small lines that go up and down it, i glazed it pink and red and i hope it comes out good. My next project was my lidded which came out terrible!! it had a leaf on it and i tried making it as like  a nature thing so the leaf was green and the base color was blue, the lid was blue as base and then yellow for the sun, it came out to think and now looks really bad. Another project i have made was a vase, its a dark blue base and from the inside coming out it white, so i looks kinda like sun but not really. In the making i made a little cup which will look like my first cylinder and i have ade a huge cylinder which is going to look a lot better. I have one more cylinder that is carved very think going up and down in a circle, its glazed purple and pink.
    I chose this because i thought it would be a lot simpler than it was. I have studied lines in textures in a photo class and thought it would be easy to write about and create
I am doing my theme on lines and textures.
I am going to make 4 projects with different lines and and diffent textures to make different movments.
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